Typical Users

GuardianERM.net is one system that can support the needs of many users and stakeholders.

Board & Executive Management

Real-time access to tangible risk, control, audit, compliance and incident data to support sound corporate governance. Supports periodic attestations from the Board and senior management to stakeholders and regulators. Proactive monitoring of ‘top 10’ risks, strategic risks and/or emerging risks.

Risk Owners

Business managers, risk owners and risk champions can update, edit and view their risk profiles, complete self-assessments and control checklists and records incidents & issues.

Risk Managers

Plan, track and monitor the progress of a range of risk management initiatives – management plan, projects, infrastructure, events etc. Profile risks by area or risk category, conduct likelihood and impact analysis and monitor residual risk to ensure it remains within risk appetite.


Perform risk-based internal audit tests, compliance audits and control questionnaires. Work papers to test controls also allow sample testing. All work papers and audit reports are retained in GuardianERM.net.

Insurance Specialists

Review insurable risks, record incidents and report on insurance controls.


Review the organisation’s risks, controls, and incidents to help assess the risk management framework as part of the Financial Condition Report.

Quality Managers

Monitor and audit quality control standards and maintain a comprehensive risk register.

IT Specialists

Evaluate IT specific risks and controls. Document and manage IT related disaster recovery and continuity plans.

Project Managers

Evaluate and track project management specific risks to reduce the threat of leakage, cost overruns and delays. Record project related incidents and issues.


Produce a range of reports for regulators to demonstrate compliance with mandatory risk, audit and compliance obligations. 

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Free Trial

After you have arranged a demo, you may qualify for a 7 day free trial to experience GuardianERM yourself and see why our clients choose GuardianERM.

  • Trial is free
  • Access all features and reports
  • No downloads required
  • Use your own data